Sallie Tomato Affiliate Program

Join our affiliate program and let your passion for crafting, sewing, and designing stunning bags turn into a rewarding journey with us!

As a valued member of our affiliate network, you'll have the opportunity to earn generous commissions while endorsing premium bag-making patterns and supplies to your audience.

Whether you're a seasoned influencer, YouTube creator, dedicated blogger, or social media enthusiast, our Affiliate Program empowers you to monetize your creativity and inspire others to do the same.

Here's what you can expect as a part of the Sallie Tomato Affiliate Program:

  • Lucrative Earnings: Our average website sale is $50, meaning more revenue for you with every referral.
  • Tiered Commissions: The more traffic you convert, the more you earn! Enjoy commission percentages ranging from 10% to 15% for items sold on our website through your referrals, along with a personalized coupon code to share.
  • Exclusive Insights: Get the inside scoop on our latest arrivals, enabling you to be among the first to promote them.
  • Affiliate-Only Perks: We love to treat our affiliates! Enjoy occasional surprises like exclusive coupon codes and other perks, available only to our affiliates.
  • Dedicated Support: Our affiliate team is committed to assisting you in implementing and optimizing your affiliate program for maximum success.

Join us on this exciting venture! Our program is continuously evolving, with plans for additional perks and exclusive communications tailored just for our affiliates in the future.

Affiliate Application Form