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I’m looking forward to making a satchel for my grandson with the camouflage cork I got in my package. I have to get the pattern I saw I the info that came with. I’m excited to see how this goes‼️
Thank you so much for being a member. We appreciate you. If not a member, you may want to join our Sallie Tomato Patterns and Hardware group to show off your makes and inspiration.
Linda Reader
Beautiful faux leather
Beautiful grab bag faux leather. Love the colors I got. Will definitely order again
Thank you so much. Please post what you create on our Sallie Tomato Patterns and Hardware Group on Facebook.
Climate Positive Order
I love your products but I am in the middle about the climate positive charge itself. I agree that companies and individuals need to do all we can to keep our environment clean. It is the only one we have.
Thank you so much. You can always remove that from your order. If not a member-you may want to join our Sallie Tomato Patterns and Hardware Group on Facebook for more inspiration and to show off your makes. It is a very helpful group. Happy Sewing.
Dixie Lofthouse
Great products
Thank you for the review. If not a member-you may want to join our Sallie Tomato Patterns and Hardware Group on Facebook for more inspiration and to show off your makes. It is a very helpful group. Happy Sewing.
Karolyn Sotolar
I have not been disappointed with any of your products
Thank you so much . If not a member-you may want to join our Sallie Tomato Patterns and Hardware Group on Facebook for more inspiration and to show off your makes. It is a very helpful group. Happy Sewing.
Hola, mi nombre es Jessica Barrera y soy la fundadora de Sallie Tomato. Abrí mi tienda originalmente en 2014 durante la universidad. Empecé vendiendo prendas que yo misma había cosido. No fue hasta 2016 que lancé mi primer patrón, el Puppy Pillow . Ahora mi pasión es diseñar patrones de costura de calidad, ¡para que tú también puedas crear!
Sallie Tomato ofrece patrones de costura, herrajes para bolsos, cremalleras para bolsos, telas de corcho y artículos de costura selectos para la confección de bolsos.
El nombre de mi tienda surgió en torno a mi segundo nombre, Sallie. Además, el alfiletero de tomate es un símbolo muy reconocido de la costura. ¡Gracias por visitar mi sitio web!